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Wetenschappelijke Publikaties op gebied van het Kwaliteitssysteem Neuromodulatie (The Netherlands)
2019 Theuvenet, P.J., 
Spincemaille G.H.J.J.,
van Ree J.M. 
Het Kwaliteitssysteem Neuromodulatie als levend Kwaliteitssysteem.
2017 Theuvenet et al. Kwaliteitsindicatoren Refractaire Angina Pectoris, behandeling met ruggenmergstimulatie.
2014 Theuvenet et al. Kwaliteitsindicatoren Diabetische Neuropathische Pijn, behandeling met ruggenmergstimulatie.
2005 N. Beersen et al. Quality based social insurance coverage and payment of the application of a high cost medical therapy: the case of spinal cord stimulation for chronic non-oncologic pain in The Netherlands.Health Policy;71(1):107-15.
2005 P.J.Theuvenet et al. The Development of a Quality System for Neuromodulation in The Netherlands. Neuromodulation, Vol.8, pp28-35
2004 G. Spincemaille et al. Neuropathic Limb Pain and Spinal Cord Stimulation: Results of the Dutch Prospective Study. Neuromodulation, Vol.7, pp185-192
2004 N. Beersen et al. Developping a Continuous National Quality Improvement System for Neuromodulation Treatment in The Netherlands. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Safety. Vol.30, No. 6, pp 310-321
2001 G. Spincemaille et al. Pain and quality of life in patients with critical limb ischaemia: results of a randomized controlled multicentre study on the effect of spinal cord stimulation. ESES study group. Eur J Pain. 2000;4(2):173-84.
2000 G. Spincemaille et al. Technical data and complications of spinal cord stimulation: data from a randomized trial on critical limb ischemia. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg. 2000;74(2):63-72.
1999 Theuvenet et al. Responses to median and tibial nerve stimulation in patients with chronic neuropathic pain. Brain Topogr. 1999 Summer;11(4):305-13.
1999 D.T. Ubbink et al. Microcirculatory investigations to determine the effect of spinal cord stimulation for critical leg ischemia: the Dutch multicenter randomized controlled trial. J Vasc Surg. 1999 Aug;30(2):236-44.
1999 H.M. Klomp et al. Spinal-cord stimulation in critical limb ischaemia: a randomised trial. ESES Study Group.Lancet. 1999 Mar 27;353(9158):1040-4.
1999 D.T. Ubbink et al. Prediction of imminent amputation in patients with non-reconstructible leg ischemia by means of microcirculatory investigations.J Vasc Surg. 1999 Jul;30(1):114-21.
1998 J.J. Struijk et al. Theoretical performance and clinical evaluation of transverse tripolar spinal cord stimulation.IEEE Trans Rehabil Eng. 1998 Sep;6(3):277-85.
1998 Gybels et al. Neuromodulation of pain. A consensus statement prepared in Brussels 16-18 January 1998 by the following task force of the European
Federation of IASP Chapters (EFIC). Eur J Pain. 1998;2(3):203-9.
1995 H.M. Klomp et al. Design issues of a randomised controlled clinical trial on spinal cord stimulation in critical limb ischaemia. ESES Study Group. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 1995 Nov;10(4):478-85.

